
hay hay elok d cini.hehe

Senin, 08 Desember 2008

DHCP ( Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol )
DHCP merupakan protokol untuk mengatur IP address client – client dari suatu server secara otomatis, untuk itu DHCP server diatur untuk membatasi jumlah IP address yang diperbolehkan. Pada saat client DHCP melakukan koneksi (Log on) IP address diberikan, karena bersifat dinamik maka alamat yang tidak terpakai akan disimpan untuk digunakan kembali.
Beberapa standar yang menentukan :
RFC 2131: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (obsoletes RFC 1541)
RFC 2132: DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extension
Setting DHCP
Pada MS Windows NT/2000/2003 Server, setting DHCP dapat dilihat pada Start- Settings - Control Panel - Administrative Tools- DHCP.

Pilih scope dari server.
Pada menu address pool tulis batas IP address yang bisa diberikan pada client. Contoh pada kelas C alamat bisa diatur antara sampai atau kurang dari itu.
Pada menu address leases bisa diatur jangka waktu pengalamatan tiap IP address nya.
Pada menu scope option bisa diatur alamat IP router, DNS server, dan nama
domain DNS-nya
Ada 2 perintah yang dijalankan pada Command Prompt untuk mengecek setting IP address dan koneksi server. (Pilih Start - Run atau tekan tombol ‘Windows’+R , ketikan ‘cmd’ lalu click OK)
Perintah ini digunakan untuk melihat configurasi IP address suatu komputer
Contoh :

Windows IP Configuration
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 3:
Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected

(IP address setting failed)
Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
(C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ipconfig
Windows IP Configuration
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

(Konfigurasi IP Address berhasil)
PING [IP_Address_DHCP_server]
Perintah ini digunakan untuk mengetes sambungan dengan server dengan cara mengirimkan paket data, bila server tersambung maka server akan mengirimkan respon.
Contoh :

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ping
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

Client tidak tersambung dengan address yang dituju atau komputer dengan IP address yang dituju tidak ada.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ping
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms ttl="255" bytes="32" ttl="255" bytes="32" ttl="255" bytes="32" ttl="255" sent =" 4," received =" 4," lost =" 0" minimum =" 0ms," maximum =" 0ms," average =" 0ms" chain="input" interface="ether1" protocol="tcp" port="21" list="ftp_blacklist" action="drop" chain="output" action="accept" protocol="tcp" content="530 Login incorrect" limit="1/1m,9,dst-address/1m" chain="output" action="add-dst-to-address-list" protocol="tcp" content="530 Login" list="ftp_blacklist" timeout="3h" chain="input" interface="ether1" protocol="tcp" port="21" list="ftp_blacklist" action="drop" chain="output" action="accept" protocol="tcp" content="530 Login incorrect" limit="1/1m,9,dst-address/1m" chain="output" action="add-dst-to-address-list" protocol="tcp" content="530 Login incorrect" list="blacklist" timeout="3h"> FTP Site. This starts the FTP Site Creation Wizard. Click Next and type a description for the site:

Click Next and specify as the IP address for the new site:

Click Next and select Do not isolate users, since this will be a site that anyone (including guest users) will be free to access:

Click Next and specify C:\HR as the location of the root directory for the site:

Click Next and leave the access permissions set at Read only as this site will only be used for downloading forms for present and prospective employees:

Click Next and then Finish to complete the wizard. The new Human Resources FTP site can now be seen in IIS Manager under the FTP Sites node:

To view the contents of this site, go to a Windows XP desktop on the same network and open the URL using Internet Explorer:

Note in the status bar at the bottom of the IE window that you are connected as an anonymous user. To view all users currently connected to the Human Resources FTP site, right-click on the site in Internet Service Manager and select Properties, then on the FTP Site tab click the Current Sessions button to open the FTP User Sessions dialog:

Note that anonymous users using IE are displayed as IEUser@ under Connected Users.
Now let''s create another FTP site using a script instead of the GUI. We''ll create a site called Help and Support with root directory C:\Support and IP address

Here's the result of running the script:

The script we used here is Iisftp.vbs, which like Iisweb.vbs and Iisvdir.vbs which we discussed in the previous article is one of several IIS administration scripts available when you install IIS on Windows Server 2003. A full syntax for this script can be found here. Once you create a new FTP site using this script you can further configure the site using IIS Manager in the usual way.
Note: At this point you could add structure to your FTP site by creating virtual directories, and this is done in the same way as was described in the previous article for working with web sites.
Controlling Access to an FTP Site
Just like for web sites, there are four ways you can control access to FTP sites on IIS: NTFS Permissions, IIS permissions, IP address restrictions, and authentication method. NTFS permissions are always your first line of defense but we can't cover them in detail here. IIS permissions are specified on the Home Directory tab of your FTP site's properties sheet:

Note that access permissions for FTP sites are much simpler (Read and Write only) than they are for web sites, and by default only Read permission is enabled, which allows users to download files from your FTP site. If you allow Write access, users will be able to upload files to the site as well. And of course access permissions and NTFS permissions combine the same way they do for web sites.
Like web sites, IP address restrictions can be used to allow or deny access to your site by clients that have a specific IP address, an IP address in a range of addresses, or a specific DNS name. These restrictions are configured on the Directory Security tab just as they are for web sites, and this was covered in the previous article so we won't discuss them further here.
FTP sites also have fewer authentication options than web sites, as can be seen by selecting the Security Accounts tab:

By default Allow anonymous connections is selected, and this is fine for public FTP sites on the Internet but for private FTP sites on a corporate intranet you may want to clear this checkbox to prevent anonymous access to your site. Clearing this box has the result that your FTP site uses Basic Authentication instead, and users who try to access the site are presented with an authentication dialog box:

Note that Basic Authentication passes user credentials over the network in clear text so this means FTP sites are inherently insecure (they don't support Windows integrated authentication). So if you're going to deploy a private FTP site on your internal network make sure you close ports 20 and 21 on your firewall to block incoming FTP traffic from external users on the Internet.
Configuring FTP Site Logging
As with web sites, the default logging format for FTP sites is the W3C Extended Log File Format, and FTP site logs are stored in folders named
where nnnnnnnnnn is the ID number of the FTP site. And just as with web sites, you can use the Microsoft Log Parser, part of the IIS 6.0 Resource Kit Tools, to analyze these FTP site logs.
Stopping and Starting FTP Sites
If an FTP site becomes unavailable you may need to restart it to get it working again, which you can do using IIS Manager by right-clicking on the FTP site and selecting Stop and then Start. From the command-line you can type net stop msftpsvc followed by net start msftpsvc or use iisreset to restart all IIS services. Remember that restarting an FTP site is a last resort as any users currently connected to the site will be disconnected.

Implementing FTP User Isolation
Finally, let's conclude by looking at how to implement the new FTP User Isolation feature of IIS in Windows Server 2003. When an FTP site uses this feature, each user accessing the site has an FTP home directory that is a subdirectory under the root directory for the FTP site, and from the perspective of the user their FTP home directory appears to be the top-level folder of the site. This means users are prevented from viewing the files in other users' FTP home directories, which has the advantage of providing security for each user's files.
Let's create a new FTP site called Staff that makes use of this new feature, using C:\Staff Folders as the root directory for the site and for the site's IP address. Start the FTP Site Creation Wizard as we did previously and step through it until you reach the FTP User Isolation page and select the Isolate users option on this page:

Continue with the wizard and be sure to give users both Read and Write permission so they can upload and download files.
Now let's say you have two users, Bob Smith (bsmith) and Mary Jones (mjones) who have accounts in a domain whose pre-Windows 2000 name is TESTTWO. To give these users FTP home directories on your server, first create a subfolder named \TESTTWO beneath \Staff Folders (your FTP root directory). Then create subfolders \bsmith and \mjones beneath the \Accounts folder. Your folder structure should now look like this:
C:\Staff Folders
To test FTP User Isolation let's put a file name Bob's Document.doc in the \bsmith subfolder and Mary's Document.doc in the \mjones subfolder. Now go to a Windows XP desktop and open Internet Explorer and try to open, which is the URL for the Staff FTP site we just created. When you do this an authentication dialog box appears, and if you're Bob then you can enter your username (using the DOMAIN\username form) and password like this:

When Bob clicks the Log On button the contents of his FTP home directory are displayed:

Note that when you create a new FTP site using FTP User Isolation, you can't convert it to an ordinary FTP site (one that doesn't have FTP User Isolation enabled). Similarly, an ordinary FTP site can't be converted to one using FTP User Isolation.
We still need to explore one more option and that's the third option on the FTP User Isolation page of the FTP Site Creation Wizard, namely Isolate users using Active Directory. Since we've run out of IP addresses let's first delete the Help and Support FTP site to free up One way we can do this is by opening a command prompt and typing iisftp /delete "Help and Support" using the iisftp.vbs command script. Then start the FTP Site Creation Wizard again and select the third option mentioned above (we'll name this new site Management):

Click Next and enter an administrator account in the domain, the password for this account, and the full name of the domain:

Click Next and confirm the password and complete the wizard in the usual way. You'll notice that you weren't prompted to specify a root directory for the new FTP site. This is because when you use this approach each user's FTP home directory is defined by two environment variables: %ftproot% which defines the root directory and can be anywhere including a UNC path to a network share on another machine such as \\test220\docs, and %ftpdir% which can be set to %username% so that for example Bob Smith's FTP home directory would be \\test220\docs\bsmith and this folder would have to be created beforehand for him. You could set these environment variables using a logon script and assign the script using Group Policy, but that's beyond the scope of this present article

Artikel ini adalah tutorial singkat mengenai instalasi Windows Server 2003 ke komputer PC untuk digunakan dalam sistem Voucha II. Jika Anda menggunakan server built-up seperti IBM xSeries atau Dell PowerEdge, anda harus baca manual instalasi yang disertakan bersama server tersebut. Instalasi ini dapat diterapkan pada :
1.Windows Server 2003 x86
2.Windows Server 2003 x86 Service Pack 1
3.Windows Server 2003 x86 R2
4.Windows Server 2003 x86 Service Pack 2
Instalasi Windows Server 2003 hampir mirip dengan instalasi Windows XP dan sama mudahnya. Hal-hal yang perlu Anda siapkan:
1.CD/DVD instalasi Windows Server 2003 (Enterprise Edition)
2.CD/DVD driver untuk motherboard, video card, sound card, ethernet card, dll.
3.PC dengan RAM minimum 256 (disarankan 512MB atau lebih), hardisk 20GB (disarankan 40GB atau lebih), video card true-color dengan resolusi 1024×768.
Baiklah mari kita mulai:
Boot komputer dengan CD Windows Server 2003
Atur konfigurasi BIOS agar melakukan boot ke CD/DVD ROM. Masukkan CD/DVD Windows Server 2003. Anda akan mendapatkan layar selamat datang di setup Windows Server 2003.

Tekan tombol ‘ENTER’ di keyboard. Anda akan menuju ke layar EULA

Tekan ‘F8′ di keyboard untuk persetujuan lisensi Windows Server 2003.
Membuat Partisi
Jika hardisk Anda masih kosong, anda harus membuat partisi untuk sistem Windows Server 2003. Tekan ‘C’ untuk membuat partisi dan masukkan ukuran partisi yang dibutuhkan, misal 10000MB (1GB).

Jika sudah selesai, tekan ‘ENTER’.
Format partisi tersebut dengan filesystem NTFS dengan metode quickformat.

Tekan ‘ENTER’. Windows Server 2003 Setup memformat partisi hardisk Anda.

Setelah format selesai, Windows Server 2003 Setup meng-copy file-file ke partisi Windows.

Setelah selesai, Windows Server 2003 Setup akan me-restart komputer dan boot ulang.

Windows Server Setup GUI

Tunggu beberapa saat sampai muncul Wizard berikut:

Pilih ‘Customize’, dan lakukan setting seperti screen di bawah ini.

Klik ‘OK’, kembali ke layar sebelumnya dan klik ‘Next’.

Isi dengan Nama Anda dan Nama Perusahaan Anda. Kemudian klik ‘Next’.

Isi dengan CD key Windows Server 2003 yang disertakan bersama CD Windows Server 2003. Klik ‘Next’

Pilih Licensing Mode ‘Per Server’ dan isi dengan jumlah koneksi yang dibutuhkan. Klik ‘Next’.

Isi ‘Computer Name’ dan password untuk Administrator. Klik ‘Next’.

Pilih ‘Time Zone’ dengan (GMT +07:00 ) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta. Klik ‘Next’. Setup akan melakukan instalasi Network.

PIlih ‘Custom settings’ dan klik ‘Next’.

Pilih komponen ‘Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)’ dan klik ‘Properties’.

Isi ‘IP address’, ‘Subnet mask:’, ‘Default gateway:’ sesuai konfigurasi network Anda. Klik ‘OK’. Kemudian klik ‘Next’.

Isi nama Workgroup yang diinginkan, misalnya : ‘VOUCHA’. dan klik ‘Next’.

Setup mencopy file-file komponen ke partisi Windows. Setelah itu Setup akan melakukan restart dan boot ulang komputer Anda.

Selamat, Anda berhasil melakukan instalasi Windows Server 2003!

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